Create a truly elegant look in your kitchen with this dark Uba Tuba granite to help you keep things just dark enough for some mystery
Granite comes in a range of beautiful colors and that’s why you should always be looking at your options. Though white and accented pieces are the ones that get the most attention, darker colors shouldn’t be overlooked. This Uba Tuba Granite is one example of that.
The Uba Tuba Granite you see here is something to behold. It’s actually deep and dark in color, mainly stark black but with a little bit of accent throughout. That creates a more elegant look than you might think, compared to the white granite you usually see. The dark colors work great with different colors of cabinets as well.
Darker cabinets paired with dark countertops create an elegant look but paired with lighter cabinets it can still work wonders. You may be surprised just what your kitchen will look like if you decide to mix and match things. All you need to do is decide on the specific slab of granite that you want since each piece is going to be slightly different from the next.
The Cost of Uba Tuba Granite
If you’re not as interested in the highest quality pieces you can get Uba Tuba granite starting around $15 – $25 per square foot. If you want to make sure you get only the best of the best you will likely be spending around $40 – $80 per square foot. What this means is there are ways to cut corners and still get this great look, but it’s going to be up to you what you want to spend.
Still, for a slab of granite, this is considered a moderate price and you can get your entire kitchen done for a decent price. A lot of people like to get everything done in the same colors and patterns, but that’s not always the case. Whether to save money or for other reasons you can also choose to accent your kitchen with Uba Tuba granite rather than using it throughout.
For some, lighter granite colors are more appealing for larger sections and they choose darker granite for accent. This might be something to consider yourself if you want a brighter room. We’ve got all kinds of options for you already and you’ll be able to take a look at even more whenever you want. That creates a truly unique view.
Styling Your Home
Just like any other room in the house, your kitchen is entirely up to you when it comes to design. You may want to go with all dark colors to create a layer of elegance. Maybe you want to mix light and dark for something with a hint of mystery. Or maybe you want to go with all light colors (though you may want to check somewhere else if that’s the case).
No matter what you’re looking for (or at) you’re going to find a number of great options right here, and that’s going to help you get just what you’re hoping for. A beautiful kitchen you can always enjoy.
The tan colors in this kitchen are common in a lot of kitchens. With the black countertop, however, it gets a slightly different look that ties in well with the tiled backsplash.
The white cabinets here are definitely elegant and when paired with the Uba Tuba granite they look even more so. The contrast of dark with light creates an eye-catching display from every angle.
Mid tone cabinets are one thing, but the rustic style of these is something else entirely with the Uba Tuba granite on top. It definitely helps to create a balance between rustic and elegant.
These cupboards are similar to the last but without the rustic look alongside and they look great with the black granite topper without an outdoorsy feel. Plus it ties in well with the tiles on the backsplash.
White cupboards with dark are common, but these ones are something else with the black granite on the top. The dark color brightens up the white but also seems to compliment the dark for a beautiful contrast.
Here we have white with even more white and the black granite seems to break that up. You still don’t get too much dark, but you also get just the right amount of balance so you’re not looking at a boring kitchen in all one color.
Take a look at the way this granite compliments the granite in the tilework. It doesn’t even matter what color the cabinets are because this is going to look good with absolutely anything.
The cabinets are honey, but they are just light enough to balance the darkness in the countertops and the backsplash. But they’re not so light that they seem to be complete opposites, which is great.
Dark cherry is a great color for elegant countertops and with the black granite to go along with it that’s exactly what you get. It works great because the kitchen here is so open and airy, to provide plenty of light.
The slightly darker than honey we can see here is complimented well with dark colors everywhere from the furniture to the appliances. It definitely helps to tie in the black granite that covers everything else.
The nearly unfinished color of these cabinets looks great with the brick style backsplash but definitely with the dark countertops. It’s a very ‘opposites attract’ type of balance.
Here we have antique white alongside light honey and all of it topped with some dark granite. Together, this creates a timeless and classic look that works for any kitchen.
Black cabinets alongside black granite may seem like it would be too dark, but it’s definitely not the case. With white walls and furniture to back it up, you get elegance, not depressing.
These slightly cherry cabinets help the black granite appear lighter rather than oppressive. It definitely makes a slightly darker room look a whole lot brighter and more stylish.
granite countertops to perfectly match.”/>Who would have thought of a green island to go in their white kitchen? Apparently, whoever designed this beautiful room with it’s elegant backsplash and black granite countertops to perfectly match.