Get the best look you possibly can with the best flooring for basement rooms in your home and see how it improves your home.
The basement of your home isn’t always the easiest room to decorate. After all, it depends on a lot of different features what you can even do with it. If your basement is finished you have a whole lot more room for what you want. If it’s not … well, it can be difficult to keep things looking nice. So what do you do? Well, you need to look at the many different options and decide on the best flooring for basement rooms.
What is the Best Flooring For Basement?
The best flooring is going to depend on the type of basement that you have. Finished basements are generally sealed a little bit more than a simple slab or unfinished basement. You can put carpeting or other materials down because the walls are more protected from moisture. If your basement isn’t finished you may want to be careful about flooring types. You don’t want them to get mold under them or get too damp.
If you’re going to be using the basement as a playroom or a gathering area or game room you may want to look at carpeting. This makes the room more comfortable and helps it feel like an extension of your home. If you’re using it as storage space you may want to look more at hard floors. This doesn’t mean wood (though in a well finished basement you could choose that). It means solid floors like linoleum or tiles. These can be more durable for moving things around or keeping water or moisture moving.
The Cost of Flooring for Your Basement
So what’s the cost associated with the best flooring for basement rooms? Well, it’s going to depend on what you decide to put down. If you put down carpet you could be looking at anywhere from $4 to $12 per square foot. This is going to depend on the type of carpet you put down and who you have put the carpet in.
If you’re looking at vinyl or linoleum flooring you’re looking at cheaper prices. These usually cost around $2 to $7 per square foot. That means you can save a little money and it works for storage or even for using the basement as a bar or game room area. It’s entirely up to you how much money you want to put into flooring.
Choices Abound
There are actually plenty of different flooring options and you should look at all of them before you make a decision. Even if you decide on one material or the other you still won’t necessarily know which style or patterns you want. That’s why we decided to take some of the guesswork out of it for you. We’ll help you figure out some of the options that are out there with some pictures.
Take a look at the options we’ve found and see if anything looks really good to you. You might be surprised how many different choices there really are even when you’re putting that flooring in the basement of your house.