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What is the Cheapest Time of Year for Tree Removal?

Having a tree removed can be pretty pricey but still necessary. Find out how you can save money by choosing the right time of year for tree removal, or if you need to have your tree removed at all!

Yard with green grass, large green trees, orange chansaw sitting on tree stump, cut up logs in a pile from cut down tree

As beautiful and vital as they are, trees can be a big hassle. Growing roots upheaving foundations, branches constantly falling from dead trees, and the potential for storms to uproot them and risk landing on a home or building are all things that we worry about when it comes to the trees on our property but knowing there’s a problem and having the means to solve it are two different things. When there’s nothing you can do but call for tree removal, you might want to know the cheapest time of year to work it into your budget.

On average, the cheapest time of year for tree removal is late winter to early spring, specifically around the month of February. The potential risk is smaller because trees in the dormant season don’t have any leaves, which means the branches are far easier to handle and provide less of an issue for workers.

Still, the price of tree removal will vary greatly depending on your area, the tree removal companies, and the tree in question. This article will go over prices to expect, bumps in the road you can expect, and how to know whether or not your tree needs to be removed.

When Should I Have a Tree Removed?

Forrest trees, man in work pants and long sleeve shirt wearing a yellow hard hat and saftety glasses ropped to a tree using a chainsaw cuttig down top half of tree

The high season for tree removal is between winter and spring. However, the cheapest time of year for tree removal is just before then or at the very start, which is still the dormant season for trees. Despite what many people think, you can call any time of year for tree removal services – even in the winter! Certain services can be more difficult with the frozen ground, such as stump removal, but you can still have your tree cut down during this off season.

Be aware that this is not a DIY-project and should be handled by trained professionals. Attempting to cut down a tree yourself can land you or someone else in the hospital, destroy power lines, or other nearby trees and buildings.

But how do you tell when it’s time to call the tree removal services? Well, your trees don’t have to be in any sort of condition. You can have them removed simply because you don’t want them on your property anymore.

In more serious situations, where you feel something has become potentially dangerous is when you should contact tree removal companies. These situations can be a dead tree that sheds its bark and branches, a tree that is growing too close to your foundation or power lines, or other trees that look like they could fall over or break in a way that poses a danger to you, your home, or others.

Red brick apartment building, fallen dead tree, two men with chainsaws cutting it up to remove it

Other reasons can be purely cosmetic, or because you don’t like the type of tree because of your personal preference. If a tree is infested or sick, removing it before it can infect any nearby trees is something you should definitely consider. Being infested with insects or sick will weaken the tree and can cause it to fall over, destroying whatever is in its path.

A little advice? Don’t call tree companies the same week you need them to cut trees! Trust me on this one, because I’ve done this myself and it doesn’t work out the best. You should call months in advance if you notice the trees in your yard might cause issues in the future, that way you don’t have to be waitlisted and set an appointment too far out. This is particularly true for areas that experience a major storm because tree companies will be booked at the snap of a finger.

Always plan ahead!

What Are the Expected Tree Removal Costs?

Large tree trunk fallen on the ground on the side of the road, man in work clothes and orange hard hat, large crane lifting tree trunk

While the price of tree removal does vary depending on the time of year, it will also vary depending on the qualities of the tree itself. For example, large trees add to the cost of removal. Other than tree size, you can expect to see differences in pricing when it comes to the tree removal company, as well as the amount of risk it poses. Low risk means lower prices thanks to the fact that the tree will have less of a chance to harm any of its surroundings.

Take a look at the estimated cost of tree removal depending on the size of the tree:

  • Small trees (30 to 60 feet)- $300 to $700
  • Medium trees (70 to 80 ft)- $900 to $1,000
  • Large trees (80 feet and up)- $1,100 to $2,000

Again, these numbers can vary greatly depending on your area, the risk level of your tree, the issues that could happen during the process, and the tree removal companies you have to choose from.

If you’re interested in contacting the tree removal companies in your area, go to! All you have to do is enter your zip code and browse the options near you. To make sure you get the most bang for your buck, ask for an estimate from a few different tree service companies so that you are able to compare prices and choose what works best for you!

Keep in mind that this is only the estimates for tree removal, and has nothing to do with stump removal, stump grinding, or regular trimming. However, these are also services these companies should offer if you are interested.

What if it is an Emergency?

Residential street with small homes along one side, dead fallen tree in the road, caution tape and tree removal crew working to remove tree

After you call your tree removal service, you might be put on a waitlist or have an appointment that is quite a ways out. It’s entirely frustrating, I know! Especially when you need to remove a tree as soon as possible to prevent it from causing damage if it hasn’t already.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, when your tree service company is booked for weeks to come but you need a tree removed as soon as possible, don’t panic. There is a way to get your hands on an emergency tree removal!

What qualifies as an emergency? Trees that are at risk of harming power lines, bursting pipes, or harming anything owned by the city, or a tree that has already fallen and damaged something (in which case you can still contact tree removal services to help with the clean up and removal).

Issues of this magnitude not only threaten your property, but the city’s as well. That is why you can contact your city hall or courthouse. Explain to them the risks of the tree. They will advise you on who to talk to, or contact the authorities themselves to get a tree service out to your property to take care of the tree in question.

Does My Tree Have to be Removed?

Man up in a large tree using a chainsaw to cut down some branches

Tree removal isn’t always necessary in some instances, and having someone cut trees out, or even just one tree, depends on how serious the situation is.

For example, electricity lines. Instead of calling a tree service to remove trees that threaten the power lines outside your house, you can schedule a tree trimming. Trimming not only saves you the tree removal cost, but you don’t have to lose any of the shade the trees provide. Rather than having the trees removed, the branches that have grown too close to the lines will be cut away.

Problem solved!

White home with black window shutters, large green shrubs and trees, large tree fallen on top of home, caution tape along front

However, there are certain problems that can only be resolved by calling someone to remove trees entirely. You will know that you absolutely must remove a tree if you fit with any of the following:

  • Tree roots that are upheaving the foundation of your house.
  • Weak trees that are leaning in a way that may cause damage to your home, your neighbor’s property, or any public property.
  • Trees that are infested with insects, such as termites, which can harm other trees or nearby vegetation.
  • Trees that are sick with disease, which can also harm other trees or vegetation.
  • Dead trees with over stretched limbs that are at risk of breaking or splintering off and causing damage to something or injuring someone.
  • Whether it be a large tree, medium tree, or small tree, any dead tree should be removed from your property to avoid problems in the future.

If you’re facing any of these issues, hiring a tree company and setting up an appointment is the best step to take. Still, you can get your way around the high tree removal cost by choosing a time for cheap tree removal if you decide the price is worth waiting for. Just make sure that, no matter what, the person removing trees is a qualified professional!